I am an introvert. Putting myself out there can feel scary. Fear of being judged? Sure. Is the same for you? And, yet it’s time. I have said this before-I have come to accept that often I need to say thing out loud more than a few times before I am actually ready to make it happen! I don’t believe that will always be the case-and it has been in the past. I am okay with that. I want to celebrate the doing of it right now. The commitment to self-the promises to me that I want to keep.

I love being a life coach and supporting clients as they unravel their own truth, reveal a deep knowing. It’s akin to learning yourself from the beginning-remembering who you are, finding your edge, taking up all the space that you were designed to fill. It is sacred to witness someone as they transform. Part of my design is to devote myself to the transformational process completely-holding the container for joy, fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, shadows, light and love to show themselves and have their say in the process. The transformation is not mine, although in the witnessing I am moved closer to my own edges. Each of us travels the path at our own speed, in our own time and it is exactly the right timing and the right speed.

I set intentions every year for who I am growing into and sometimes I very clearly see the uptick. Other times, I see it a few years later. I have one consistent and practical goal-to move forward, to see progress. At the crossroads right now, I am creating more visibility in my coaching practice, introducing myself on social media, scheduling time on the weekends to do the work, learning graphic design tools, setting new intentions and making a plan. Keeping our promises to ourself ensures alignment with our sovereignty and that is a very good place to be.