EaseI’ve been uncovering more about my deep belief that everything must be earned – that old “if it isn’t hard, it isn’t worth anything” paradigm. Do you have that belief? Do you struggle? My hidden and limiting beliefs are in conflict with my outward outlook and beliefs. This causes quite a bit of strain and stress on me – and anxiety.

I also noticed I was holding on to anger. Anger that I wasn’t using my voice. Anger that I wasn’t making time for myself and my own self-care. My coach supported me through a visualization exercise about anger and speaking it out loud. It pointed back to this old belief about struggle and earning everything.

What if it were easy? What if dreaming and wishing it were enough? Well the good news is – it is enough! I am changing my mindset about this belief, inviting a paradigm shift around what is easy and what is hard. I plan to put more effort into creating a body of evidence for dreaming and wishing and ease. That’s what I want more of-that’s what lights me up.

I am going to start walking my talk and beliefs around dreaming and ease-like walking down a path with green trees all around me, feeling solace in the cool breeze.