What a year you were 2020. You just kept coming at us. And, yet here we are. Through everything that happened in 2020, when we didn’t think we would make it; when we were worrying about and missing our people; when we got sick; when we thought we would lose hope we made it. We persevered. We lived through our own dark night of the soul to this day. We usher in the new year-not with the expectation that everything changes because the calendar turns, but with the hope of better days.
I am starting the new year with an abundance of self care. I am going easy with myself and my people. Spending time writing and dreaming. I might organize a few things. I will definitely move my body and drink my lemon water. That’s how I can be proactive now instead of staying in the reactivity of 2020.
I haven’t yet chosen my word of the year. I have been doing a word of the year for so many years and it is never the same word. I have three circling me. I am trying them on. I will keep you posted.
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